Sunday, September 13, 2009

Scarlett-Cathy Cassidy (Book Review)

Scarlett Book Review

Scarlett is troubled and has been to 5 schools in 2 years. That's when her mum has had enough she sends her to her dads house in Ireland with her stepsister & step mum. Scarlett thinks Ireland will be so dumb it has nothing to do until she meets some mysterious boy. Then her life is better than she thought.

Scarlett is a good book for ages from 8-100 it shows you the feeling for a girl who didn't really get listened to - Lauren aged 12

I loved this book so much i don't even know how to explain it-Samantha aged 11

i love Scarlett it is the best book i have ever read i love you Cathy Cassidy all your books are brilliant if i was Scarlett i would wish for my own copy of the book because i read the libraries I LOVE IT i think you should write more series to do with Scarlett. Elise -aged 11

For More Reviews Click Here

Scarlett isn't a movie but it probably be a good movie


monique said...

I love this book its really cool and different :)

am said...

I think that Im gonna buy this or hire it out because ity sounds really interesting.

laura said...

coool book report hahaha

smaly said...

i love this book it is the best book ever.i hope u can write more stories about scarlett