Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Start of the first week

This week we made a house for our work so we don't use books as much.We did high jump but i fell off the mat and hurt myself, it was funny but it still hurt

We also learnt how to use spell city and and this blog

Here is my house

We also learnt and taught room 21 how to use graffiti creator for our tote tray labels

Here is mine

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Maori Animate

Today Anna and i made a Maori animation on go

Maori animate. That is our animation

If we didn't know how to spell we used Maori dictionary


Ata marie- Good Morning

Kia Ora - Hello

Ke Te Kai- Come and eat

Heki- Egg

Whanau - Family

Whaea- Mrs/Ma'am/Lady etc. etc.

He kona Ra- See you later/goodbye

Monday, September 21, 2009

Science 22/9/09

Today we were mixing together salts, acid & alkali with Mr Wallace to see what would happen.

We mixed it with purple cabbage juice. If it was acid it would turn pink. If it was alkali it would turn green and if it was neither it would stay purple

What we mixed with cabbage juice.

1.Vinegar (Acid)

2. Water and baking soda (Alkali)

3. Lemonade (Neither)

4. Meths (Neither)

5. Washing powder (Alkali)

6. Citric Acid (Acid)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Learning Intention -16/9/09

We Are Learning To (W.A.L.T)
Use google docs to make a PMI chart about technology in the classroom
Click Here To View Google Docs

We are sharing our learning and teaching a partner from room 21 how to use graffiti creator
Click Here To go To Graffiti Creator

We also showed them our PowerPoint bookshelves and pictures

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Scarlett-Cathy Cassidy (Book Review)

Scarlett Book Review

Scarlett is troubled and has been to 5 schools in 2 years. That's when her mum has had enough she sends her to her dads house in Ireland with her stepsister & step mum. Scarlett thinks Ireland will be so dumb it has nothing to do until she meets some mysterious boy. Then her life is better than she thought.

Scarlett is a good book for ages from 8-100 it shows you the feeling for a girl who didn't really get listened to - Lauren aged 12

I loved this book so much i don't even know how to explain it-Samantha aged 11

i love Scarlett it is the best book i have ever read i love you Cathy Cassidy all your books are brilliant if i was Scarlett i would wish for my own copy of the book because i read the libraries I LOVE IT i think you should write more series to do with Scarlett. Elise -aged 11

For More Reviews Click Here

Scarlett isn't a movie but it probably be a good movie

How To Write A Good Blog Post

We are learning to write a blog post & to add elements such as hyperlinks & images

Today we learned that it is better to make short post instead of long post so people don't get bored. I also learned how to add hyperlinks and images

We also found a site for a good blog. Click here to see