Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Should children be paid for chores?

Yes-Explain why
No-Explian why
I dont know

High Jump

Yesterday we did high jump. I did alright but not to good 'cause I touch the bar. I think i should try to get my legs higher Here is a video of me

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


This week Mr E has taught us how to do shotput. We learnt to lean back on and back foot, tuck the shotput under our chin and where to throw it.I need to use more power in my throw and keep the shotput tucked under my chin untill i throw

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Game Maker

Today me and Laura made a maze using game maker.It was hard to make but fun and easy to play We had lots of fun making it. There is a picture of my game

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Today in class Mr E Showed us A new way to find information on google me Laura & Brooklyn look up turtle. We normally just use google but ow we can use google square and "show options" button for more options like wonder wheel, time line and is some pictures of the time line and wonder wheel :)