Saturday, January 30, 2010

High school!!!!!!!!!!

High school soon i miss everyone soooo much

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bliss & My dream home

Here is so more photos on bliss

Me and Anna made our dream home its so cool ill add a photo of it. We need to change the colours &add furniture

Monday, December 7, 2009


We have been doing the "Google Earth Treasure Hunt" were you have to find things on google earth. here are some thing we have to find

  1. Construction site

  2. Car crash

  3. A Zoo

And many more things we have found most of them

We also have game of the day yesterdays game was 3d logic click to play
Todays game in fowl words click here to play

In class we have been making island my island is called bliss and it is 130W and 35N. It has fluro butterflies, violet alpacas and the rare albino/Blonde zebra. It has weird laws and funny money here is a picture of it

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Goal For 2010

My goal for 2010 (first year of NGHS) is to join up all the opportunities i get and to have fun,try my bets and make a lot of new friends

I would like to try






Canoe Polo




Violin & Keyboard

I would love to do all this because i haven't done most of this things before

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Should children be paid for chores?

Yes-Explain why
No-Explian why
I dont know

High Jump

Yesterday we did high jump. I did alright but not to good 'cause I touch the bar. I think i should try to get my legs higher Here is a video of me

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


This week Mr E has taught us how to do shotput. We learnt to lean back on and back foot, tuck the shotput under our chin and where to throw it.I need to use more power in my throw and keep the shotput tucked under my chin untill i throw